January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, also known as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Much of the fight against human trafficking involves preventing it in the first place, so it is important to understand what that includes. Better understanding human trafficking prevention can help you move from awareness to action. As you consider how you will engage in …
What Does Restoration Include?
Restorative care and reintegrative services are an essential part of the continuum of care for a survivor. Without support post-rescue or exit, survivors may find themselves facing the same vulnerabilities that led to their exploitation in the first place. But what does aftercare look like? What services need to be included? What happens when a survivor graduates from a restoration …
What Does Rescue Include?
While much may come to mind when you hear the term “rescue”, it is important to know that this moment in a victim’s life does not only include the immediate removal or exit from a dangerous situation but must also include immediate access to critical services that will meet their individual needs. Increasing the availability of these resources from within …
What Is Human Trafficking Identification?
By June of 2018, the National Human Trafficking Hotline had received over 14,000 calls, with over 5,000 cases of human trafficking reported in the United States. As AWARENESS of human trafficking grows, it is critically important to know how to identify a potential case of human trafficking in your local community (or abroad) and to know what to do when …
What Is Human Trafficking Prevention?
The United States has declared January as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month and January 11th as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Much of the fight to eradicate human trafficking will be won by preventing it in the first place. The term prevention is heard often in the anti-trafficking field, including prevention education, awareness, demand, etc. But what does …