Stories of Community Impact This National Human Trafficking Prevention Month

January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Since 2010, our nation has dedicated January to raising awareness and promoting education about the reality of human trafficking, which is currently a multibillion-dollar annual industry with over 50 million victims worldwide. This reality is staggering, but something we know to be true at Engage Together® is that while human trafficking is a …

How to be a Vigilant Traveler & Ways the Travel Industry is Leading the Way

Guest post by Hope Druckenmiller Human trafficking is a crime that often involves travel – traffickers move victims by cars, planes, trains, and buses and between countries, states, or cities within a state. This summer, as you use multiple modes of transportation to travel for business or a vacation, take a few moments to view the following list of anti-trafficking …

Women’s History Month: Celebrating Solutions that Empower Survivors

Guest post by Hope Druckenmiller March is Women’s History Month, and March 8th was International Women’s Day; both focus on celebrating the achievements of women, past and present. This month, it is also important to acknowledge the injustices women face, including human trafficking and exploitation, which are human rights violations that disproportionately affect women and girls all around the world. …

Moving from Awareness to Action: How You Can Advocate for Healthy Relationships This Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Guest post by Hope Druckenmiller Human Trafficking Awareness Month January was National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, also known as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Organizations, groups, and justice advocates shared a wealth of articles, resources, and knowledge that helped spread awareness and insight about human trafficking. (And if you still find yourself looking for a place to start, we …

Resource Roundup

  As school lets out and children are at home more, accessing phones, internet, and games, it is critical to know how to keep them safe. With the number of CyberTipline reports increasing 35% from 2020 to 2021, kids and youth of all ages are at-risk. This month, we have rounded up key resources for kids, teens, parents, and caregivers …