Each July 30th, the United Nations internationally commemorates the day as World Day Against Trafficking in Persons to raise awareness of the horrible reality that is impacting millions of lives around the world and in communities all throughout the United States. How is this happening? Human trafficking is the sale of human beings for the purposes of sexual exploitation, …
Compassion Fatigue for Normal People
Compassion Fatigue You may have heard the term, but have you thought about how it impacts your daily life? Compassion fatigue used to be something that was only discussed in reference to therapists, caregivers, and aid workers. Now, it’s something that all of us are subject to. Compassion fatigue is the result of the constant exposure to the hurt and …
FAQ: What is My Role in This Effort? (Not Just Hypothetically)
If you’ve been in the anti-trafficking movement for even a short time, you’ve probably seen this question before: What can one person actually do to make a difference in the fight against human trafficking? Hundreds of amazing organizations serving in the field have thousands of answers to this question. (If you’re new to the issue of human trafficking, start with our Human Trafficking 101 series to get caught up.) But honestly? A …
Human Trafficking 101: Who are the Victims?
We are working through our Human Trafficking 101 blog series, and this is part three. If you missed the first two posts in this series, make sure to go back and read part one, Uncovering Myths and Intricacies and part two, Human Trafficking Happens Everywhere. And now, for the rest of the story: Where does it all begin for a human trafficking victim? The …
Human Trafficking 101: It Happens Everywhere
Human trafficking happens everywhere. Yes. Even in the United States. Many Americans feel positive that human trafficking only happens “somewhere else” – like in Thailand, India, or maybe Mexico. Somewhere “over there.” It’s hard to fathom that human trafficking takes place on U.S. soil, too. As with any atrocious crime, it’s easy to operate under the false assumption that it …
Human Trafficking 101: Uncovering Myths and Intricacies
Human trafficking. The very phrase seems incomprehensible, and yet the sale of souls in our world today is a reality that is as widespread as it is horrifying. Have you seen news stories about human trafficking, but wondered what it means? Have you learned a bit from a movie or poster, but when someone asks you to explain human trafficking …