Stories of Community Impact This National Human Trafficking Prevention Month

January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Since 2010, our nation has dedicated January to raising awareness and promoting education about the reality of human trafficking, which is currently a multibillion-dollar annual industry with over 50 million victims worldwide. This reality is staggering, but something we know to be true at Engage Together® is that while human trafficking is a …

Prevent Child Abuse Year-Round: Tools & Strategies for You & Your Community

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and as we round out this month, we would like to highlight resources and tools that advocate for child abuse prevention and provide important information about this topic. Preventing child abuse starts in the home, and two helpful starting points for parents, caregivers, and families are learning how to help your kids safely and …

Engage in Your Local Community Through the Gift of Giving

This holiday season, we at Engage Together want to encourage you to consider how you can make a difference in your local community, right where you are, by blessing an organization, group, or family who may be in need. We’ve outlined some practical ways you can purchase gifts for families and children, get in touch with local organizations that can …

This Fair Trade Month, Harness the Power of Your Purchase

Guest post by Hope Druckenmiller As October and Fair Trade Month come to a close, we at Engage Together want to encourage you to take a moment to learn about the power of your purchase and how you can advocate for supply train transparency as a consumer, right where you are. Fair Trade certification is a sustainable sourcing certification program …

How to be a Vigilant Traveler & Ways the Travel Industry is Leading the Way

Guest post by Hope Druckenmiller Human trafficking is a crime that often involves travel – traffickers move victims by cars, planes, trains, and buses and between countries, states, or cities within a state. This summer, as you use multiple modes of transportation to travel for business or a vacation, take a few moments to view the following list of anti-trafficking …

Expand Your Knowledge and Impact this World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Each year on July 30th, the United Nations and the international community commemorate the day as World Day Against Trafficking in Persons to raise awareness and encourage action. This year’s theme is “reach every victim of trafficking, leave no one behind.”  With over 50M victims, this is no small task.  And it will require every one of us to better …