Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Addressing Misconceptions

20,000 calls a day are placed to domestic violence hotlines. While you may know that October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, do you know what you can do to help your local programs that serve domestic violence survivors? This month, we had the privilege of talking with several domestic violence programs to learn about their greatest needs, obstacles that …

Schools and Human Trafficking: Response and Protocol

If we know students are at-risk of human trafficking and exploitation, then what are schools doing to respond? Schools, teachers, professors, administrators, school nurses, bus drivers, SROs, custodial staff, coaches, advisors, and more are uniquely and strategically positioned to engage. University staff and educators regularly interact with students, notice when they are not present, and are aware of behavioral and …

Is My Student At-Risk?

Human trafficking is everywhere, including schools. The very idea seems unimaginable. And yet, whether a school is in an urban, suburban, or rural community, students may be at risk of human trafficking and exploitation. Any minor who is recruited for the purpose of commercial sex is a victim of human trafficking. Federal law does not require force, fraud, or coercion. …

Is Human Trafficking Happening in My Community?

When people first learn about human trafficking, they often think that it must be happening “over there” – in another country, state, or city. They don’t often think it could be happening in their community. This may be because they already have an idea of what human trafficking looks like or only know about one form of human trafficking. But …

Do You Know What Human Trafficking Looks Like?

When people first learn about human trafficking, they learn the legal definitions of labor trafficking, sex trafficking, and sometimes organ trafficking. While this is important and foundational, knowing how human trafficking manifests is equally as important. Sex trafficking and labor trafficking can happen to men, women, and children, regardless of age. But knowing the definition is just the beginning – …

Eyes In The Air and On The Ground

Human trafficking is a crime that often involves travel. This may be by car, train, bus, or taxi, but it can also occur by air travel. Travel may be between countries, though it is often within a victim’s own country, between states, or between cities within a state. Air travel can be used in recruitment tactics, such as when a …

5 Risks For Youth Online

In this day and age, almost every child is online – a lot. From social media and apps to videos and homework, kids use the Internet nearly every single day, many times a day. While the Internet has positive purposes, it can also place children at more risk than we may realize. So how can we keep children and youth …

What Do You Know About Foster Care and What You Can Do?

May is National Foster Care Month, with an annual presidential proclamation dating back to President Reagan in 1988. Currently, there are over 440,000 children and youth in foster care. This month is a time to recognize everyone that helps families and youth with permanent homes and connections, including foster parents, family members, volunteers, mentors, child welfare professionals, and community members …

What Does Restoration Include?

Restorative care and reintegrative services are an essential part of the continuum of care for a survivor. Without support post-rescue or exit, survivors may find themselves facing the same vulnerabilities that led to their exploitation in the first place. But what does aftercare look like? What services need to be included? What happens when a survivor graduates from a restoration …