Engage in Your Local Community Through the Gift of Giving

This holiday season, we at Engage Together want to encourage you to consider how you can make a difference in your local community, right where you are, by blessing an organization, group, or family who may be in need. We’ve outlined some practical ways you can purchase gifts for families and children, get in touch with local organizations that can …

Why You Are Uniquely Positioned To Help End Human Trafficking

When you first hear of human trafficking, perhaps you feel overwhelmed. With numbers and statistics in the millions, it is hard to imagine what you can do. Perhaps you learned about it happening overseas, and you think you can only support from afar or take a trip there. Or maybe, when you really think about it, it appears so dark …

FAQ: What is My Role in This Effort? (Not Just Hypothetically)  

human trafficking

If you’ve been in the anti-trafficking movement for even a short time, you’ve probably seen this question before: What can one person actually do to make a difference in the fight against human trafficking? Hundreds of amazing organizations serving in the field have thousands of answers to this question. (If you’re new to the issue of human trafficking, start with our Human Trafficking 101 series to get caught up.) But honestly? A …